SiliconSJ 2022 Cosplay

SiliconSJ was a DREAM! I mean, one of the highlights of a Maker con like SiliConSJ is definitely the cosplay. And man was the cosplay game strong at this one. I was also particularly excited for this con, as I had been preparing for a couple weeks to share my Sandman / Dream cosplay (more... Continue Reading →

Con Stories SiliconSJ 2022

Hello from SilconSj! The Skkawliens are back. Well, this Skkawlien. I’m excited to share my adventures from this epic con this year, and I can say I had a blast. As with every con, I’m going to be sharing one memorable story from each day. Each post will be updated on each day of the... Continue Reading →

This Is The Way to SiliConSJ 2021!

Hello Skkawliens! It’s been ages since we (SKKAW.BLOG) last posted here.. But we are now about to venture off into our first convention since before all the pandemic lockdowns. It’s definitely refreshing and exciting, and a little intimidating (will there be crowds?). And to top it all off, I will be attending in full -... Continue Reading →

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